Well I'm knitting my first pair of socks using a cotton blend. I purchased
Risata from Knit Picks, its a blend of 42% Cotton, 39%
Superwash Merino Wool, 13%
Polyamide and 6% Elite Elastic. Its really different than knitting with wool, casting on with this yarn is a bit alarming as the yarn was unwinding and
separated a bit so I had to be careful not to split it with the needles. After the first couple of rows the yarn tames down and knitting returns to normal. So I chose to knit the sock pictured below.

The pattern is simply called Lace Cuff Anklets (Favorite Socks book) and here is my version below. To tell the truth, I'm really not that crazy about it, maybe it would look better in the green color. The pattern was interesting as it started off with a size 4 needle, then went down to size 3, and the body of the foot is knitted on size 2, its a good thing that I began expanding on my circular needles, Knit Picks has such affordable needles, its hard not to get a few each time I order. Great News though this may end up being the last photo of my feet in socks (Do I hear a collective
YIPPEE!!!), no more pale legs and weird camera angles.

I splurged and bought a pair of sock blockers - so my photos will look ever so professional. (giggle) I was a little unsure about how this pattern would knit up and as a precaution I purchased three skeins of this yarn. So for now the second sock is on hold. Why - do you ask?

Because I plan to try this sock (just in a single color). The pattern is called Latvian Sock from Vogue's Ultimate Sock Book. I just cast on a few minutes ago (yes this skein also unwound and tried to split on me). And if all goes wel I will show you the sock on my next post. Then I feel that I will have reference point and be able to make a proper decision.

By the way does anyone have any suggestions on a decent cotton blend sock yarn (for lighter weight summer socks) any pattern suggestions would also be greatly appreciated? I've really grown to love sock knitting, being a slow knitter with limited time, it allows me to accomplish something.
Egad, I can't even imagine knitting a sweater. Maybe during a vacation when I have loads of time on my hands. I can imagine myself sitting on a porch of a lovely cabin overlooking a valley full of trees, rocking and knitting, the aroma of a fresh baked apple pie drifting over the porch, my Standards curled up near me - Who Knows Maybe someday, it sounds like a pleasant way to live, simple. By the way my Blogiversary is coming up this June and I will have a contest, its been fun shopping for the prizes.
Sock knitting -- it's a Good Thing. :-)
Sorry, can't offer any advice on cotton yarns, as I don't use them. Yet.
You might like the Panda Cotton - a bamboo, cotton, nylon blend. It knits up with nice stitch definition and has some elasticity for a good fit.
Wool socks will always be my favorite, but then I live in Michigan.
Hi Jean
Your knitting is very impressive! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.
It's so easy to throw in an extra this or an extra that to a Knit Picks order just to get free shipping. It's truly dangerous shopping there.
I don't have experience with cottton sock yarn. I'm starting to think about cotton blend socks too because it gets warm/hot where I live now, and I'll reach a point where I will not want to wear wool socks. But I'm worried about "memory" which cotton does not have. So will look forward to hearing which yarns you use for your summer socks.
Chiming in with Dave and smariek, I have no experience to share with you about cotton sock yarns, beyond having *started* a cuff in Risata and ripping it because it was too big. I have handled balls of Sockatta (sp?), but never knitted with it.
Somehow I have missed your blog for the last few posts....so, I browsed your lovely photos today. As usual... gorgeous!
Nice socks you are producing too. Love the embossed leafs too. One of my favorite patterns from that book
As for cotton yarn, I have used Regia "Cotton", and liked it. I have a couple of skeins in my stash, and it appears to be called "Cotton Surf Color". These are several years old, so not sure if still available. It's acctually 41% wool, 34% cotton, and 25% polyamid. Makes a nice sock though.
Gorgeous socks. I can only comment on Panda Cotton. It was splitty to knit with but makes lovely socks and they are machine washable. :)
It's great when you complete your first socks :) Well done. :)
BTW I think you will pick wonderful yarns for your socks once you know what you like to knit them with :)
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