Sunday, June 29, 2008

My first sock

I long for the cooler weather where photos of the garden were serene without the harsh summer sun. Weather that encourages one to don your newly knitted pair of socks. Instead of forcing the socks on my feet (in the scorching sun) to take the photo below .

Voila! I have finished my first pair of socks, and surprisingly they fit well and were quite simple to make. The Opal yarn was wonderful to knit with. I had not realized how great they would feel on. Knitting the socks on two circular needles makes them an easy take along project. I will definately be knitting more socks, there are so many beautiful yarns to try and patterns to test out.


Dave said...

Very nice! It fits well, and I quite like the bit of lace at the top. And now, you have caught the "sock bug" and forever after you shall be .... a sock knitter!!

Kody May said...

That mushroom looks kind of like a jellyfish! Lovely socks :)