There are so many interesting touches in the coffee house, The last time I was there a father and his daughter were playing chess on with this rather large set.
I visited my favorite coffee house and knitted away the afternoon. It is such a peaceful place, no loud music blaring at you or cold air conditioning blasting away, just the gentle ocean breeze drifting thru the front doors, overhead fans silently whirl away assisting the naturally cool air further into this haven. I sat there in the well worn and comfy wingback sipping on my beverage and taking an occaisional bite of their Catalina Cobb Salad while busily making progress on the Persephone scarf (it may even be done this week). Resting my hands as needed and picking up this marvelous book called Journey to Ixtlan, it is beautifully written and is the third book in a series, I have come to learn much from these books, your perceptions may change as you see the world thru different eyes.
Petunias are such dainty flowers, they remind me of petticoats, the stiff breeze made this a challenging photo, the petals were being dashed about, almost being closed by the wind. I was actually turning away when there was a break in the breeze and I quickly snapped this photo.
These geraniums were so very showy, begging to have their photo taken, There was a stiff ocean breeze blowing, but they stood there posing picture perfect, I took several photos thinking one might be a little blurry, but they all turned out.
I came upon these succulents while strolling thru the same shopping center, the variety of plants was unusual, they looked a little hodge podge, but when looked at individually were enjoyable. I must admist that succelents are not my cup of tea, but I can appreciate their steadfastness in drought situations and they are quite diverse in appearance as you can see from the photos above.