Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sock Trial

Lila his checking out this attempt at sock knitting, unfortunately the yarn did not suit the sock pattern, I just look at it as another opportunity to try a new sock pattern. I am new to self striping yarn and the experience has been educational.
Finally sock success! This is my third attempt at knitting a sock, while technically the other socks were ok, either the yarn did not suit the pattern or the fit wasn't right. The yarn is by Opal which I had purchased at Suzoo's Wool Works in Costa Mesa (great yarn selection with a knowledgeable staff ).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are those kilt hose by any chance? I made a pair for my hubby last Christmas (actually, I finished them on New Year's Eve). They went on forever, but I was so glad to have done them. They're beautiful! Your cuff looks great! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Best, Tricia